Global Nonkilling Leadership First Forum Proceeding

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Hawaii : Glenn D. Paige and Joám Evans Pim, 2008.
This book is offered for consideration and critical reflection primarily by political science scholars throughout the world from beginning students to professors emeriti. Neither age nor erudition seems to make much difference in the prevailing assumption that killing is an inescapable part of the human condition that must be accepted in political theory and practice. It is hoped that readers will join in questioning this assumption and will contribute further stepping stones of thought and action toward a nonkilling global future.
Este libro se ofrece a la consideración y la reflexión crítica sobre todo por los estudiosos de ciencias políticas en todo el mundo desde el principio a los estudiantes a los profesores eméritos. Ni la edad ni la erudición parece hacer mucha diferencia en la suposición dominante de que matar es una parte ineludible de la condición humana que debe ser aceptado en la teoría y la práctica política. Se espera que los lectores se unan a cuestionar este supuesto y que contribuirá aún más peldaños de pensamiento y acción hacia un futuro no alcanzar global.
The long history of nonviolent cross-border interventions in situations of conflict constitutes a rich source of practical experience, of lessons learned. However, these lessons have never been drawn together and subjected to sustained scrutiny.In line with a new and comprehensive typology developed for this book, various examples of nonviolent cross-border direct interventions, which have been undertaken by activists rather than by humanitarian agencies, are described here and the lessons provided by these interventions are detailed.
341 p.
Libro Electrónico
Peace, Leadership, Pacifism – Nonviolence, Nonkilling