Experimentaclub LIMb0 : proyecto iberoamericano de intercambio artístico y cooperación

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Cambiasso, Norberto
Álvarez-Fernández, Miguel
Rossell, Oriol
Marchiaro, Pancho
Alonso, Rodrigo
Escoffet, Eduard
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Buenos Aires : Región : Experimentaclub LIMb0, 2010.
Experimentaclub LIMb0 es un proyecto iberoamericano de intercambio artístico y cooperación cultural en las disciplinas de música electrónica experimental, improvisación, arte sonoro, piezas audiovisuales y polipoesía creado en 2006 por Experimentaclub, con sede en Madrid (España), que entre otras actividades organiza en el centro cultural La Casa Encendida (Obra Social Caja Madrid) el festival internacional de música experimental del mismo nombre, y el área de arte sonoro y música experimental del proyecto LIMb0 (Laboratorio de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias buenos aires 0), con sede en Buenos Aires (Argentina), desde el que se gestiona el ciclo Conciertos en el LIMb0 del Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires. Para la creación de este proyecto se tomó en consideración la colaboración entre artistas sonoros, músicos, compositores, realizadores audiovisuales y poetas de España y Argentina. Si bien esto ha permitido un flujo de colaboraciones y el establecimiento de una red de artistas que han enriquecido el panorama de cada país, era necesaria la creación de una plataforma estable de cooperación e intercambio a nivel iberoamericano, con proyección de futuro a medio y largo plazo, que permitiera no sólo la realización de conciertos, performances y recitales sino también la producción de publicaciones conjuntas, workshops, conferencias y trabajos en común, contando para ello con la colaboración de la red de Centros Culturales de la AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo) y otras instituciones culturales y académicas. El desconocimiento recíproco de las escenas artísticas en ambas geografías y la necesidad de apoyar y promocionar estas disciplinas artísticas eran además dos de las carencias más claras que nos impulsaron al desarrollo de este proyecto, integrando las escenas iberoamericanas en el marco de un programa de cooperación que sirviera de impulso para el desarrollo cultural.
Experimentaclub LIMb0 is anIbero-American Project aimed at the artistic exchange and cultural cooperation in the disciplines of experimental electronic music, improvisation, sound art and audiovisual pieces. Created in 2006 by Experimentaclub and headquartered in Madrid (Spain), at La Casa Encendida (Caja Madrid Social Security Cultural Center), it hosts activities, such as the namesake International Experimental Music festival, while the LIMb0 project area of sound art and experimental music operates at the Buenos Aires 0 Laboratory of Multidisciplinary Research (Argentina), which is entrusted with the organization of the LIMb0 concerts season held at the Museum of Modern Art. For the purpose of creating this project, sound artists, musicians, composers and poets from Argentina and Spain agreed to collaborate. Although this has allowed a flow of collaboration and the establishment of a network of artists who have enriched the outlook of every country, the set-up of a stable cooperation and exchange platform featuring a mid and long term projection at Ibero-American level was perceived as necessary. Not only did this allow the organization of concerts, performances and recitals but it also eased the production of cooperative publications, workshops, conferences and works achieved through the collaboration of the Cultural Centers AECID (Spanish Agency of International Development Cooperation) network and of other cultural and academic institutions. Two of the most remarkable shortcomings that fuelled our development of this project were the mutual unawareness of the artistic scenes in the Ibero-American geographies and the urge to support and promote these artistic disciplines which eventually resulted in the integration of the Ibero-American scenes within the framework of a cooperation program that would contribute to propelling cultural development. Following the completion of the project initial phase in 2010 (which ran between 2007 and 2009), Experimentaclub LIMb0 has grown to currently encompass the following countries: Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Mexico, Portugal, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Spain, thus progressively consolidating its geographical outstretch throughout the Ibero-American context. The time has therefore come for us to take stock of all our achievements. The experience gained shall serve as the cornerstone to enable us to approach the aims to achieve in the years to come. Certainly, this initial cycle has somehow helped us take a picture of the Ibero-American cultural web, both in terms of our concerned artistic disciplines area and beyond, and has allowed us to emphasize the project-related successive lines of action in accordance with each country, city, context and artistic scenario particular features, and this has eventually enabled the promotion of those activities intended to enrich their cultural reality. The outcomes of this mapping have been, on the one hand, the discovery of first-class artists’ works which were virtually unknown in the other geographical areas involved in the exchange scope and, on the other, the creation of a ever-growing network gathering artists, cultural agents, institutions and means of communication, which have both allowed us to establish multi-directional lines of work at geographical as well as at cultural level.
144 p. ; 23x17 cm.
Libro Electrónico
Arte, Cultura, Disciplinas artisticas, Movimiento Cultural